Master’s Degree in Bioethics


The Master’s Degree in Bioethics primarily aims to help the students acquire advanced knowledge in Bioethics and allows them to be able to analyze bioethical problems in a scientific, rigorous and systematic way from an interdisciplinary perspective (biomedical, philosophical and legal), with a focus on the dignity and respect of the person, from the beginning of their existence until their natural death, and on the respect for professional ethics and deontology.

The Program is offered in collaboration with the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

Taught in Spanish, it offers a level of official studies within the European framework, with access to pursue a PhD in Europe. It will soon be offered in English.


Online learning

1 year

October to June


Why Pursue a Master’s Degree in Bioethics?

  • The official Master’s Degree in Bioethics prepares you to belong to a Research Ethics Committee, Clinical Ethics Committee, Healthcare Ethics Committee (CEAS) or National Bioethics Committee.
  • To analyze complex issues in a rigorous and interdisciplinary manner and to make ethical and careful decisions, in the short, medium and long term.
  • To enroll in a PhD Program in Bioethics, and then to teach Bioethics in Universities.
  • To analyze the emerging bioethical challenges in the field of biotechnology, genetics, AI applied to life or nanotechnology applied to humans.
  • To develope laws, protocols and standards of action regarding bioethical issues not yet regulated.


Which subjects covers the Master’s Degree?

  • Introduction to Bioethics: Principles and Foundations
  • Anthropological and Ethical Foundations
  • Bioethics and the Beginning of Life
  • Bioethics and the End of Life
  • Bioethics and Law
  • Bioethics and Clinical Ethics
  • Research and Emerging Issues Bioethics
  • Bioethics and Integral Ecology
  • Bioethics and the Family
  • Master’s Final Project


Who is the Master’s Degree for?

It is primarily aimed at health professionals (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, psychologists, etc.) who currently work or have carried out their professional practice in public or private health centers.

All the student must have a previous Bachelor’s Degree or Degree in: Biology, Medicine, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Philosophy, Humanities, Theology, Law, Economics, Biomedical Engineering, or other related degrees.

The Master’s Degree Program features over 40 faculty members. The Subject Coordinators are as follows:

  • Prof. Dr. Mónica López Barahona, President of the International Bioethics Chair Jérôme Lejeune and Director of the Biosanitary Studies Center.
  • Prof. Dr. Elena Postigo, Academic Director of the International Bioethics Chair Jérôme Lejeune, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Bioethics, and Director of the Bioethics Institute at Francisco de Vitoria University.
  • Prof. Dr. Pilar Giménez Armentía, Professor of Anthropology at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
  • Prof. Dr. Ramón Lucas Lucas, Professor of Anthropology, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
  • Prof. Dr. María Lacalle, Vice-Rector for Faculty Affairs and Academic Organization and Full Professor of Philosophy of Law at Francisco de Vitoria University.
  • Prof. Dr. Ricardo Abengózar, Doctor and Professor of Bioethics at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
  • Prof. Dr. Sagrario Crespo, Professor of Bioethics at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
  • Prof. Dr. David García, Professor of Bioethics at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
  • Prof. Dr. Olivia Núñez Orellana, Director of the John Paul II Theological Institute for Marriage and Family, Mexican Section, and the Razon Abierta Institute at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

Additionally, the Master’s program includes many professors from other Spanish and international universities, among others:

  • Prof. Dr. José Carlos Abellán, Professor of Philosophy of Law at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
  • Prof. Dr. Alfonso Canabal, Professor of Bioethics at UFV and Head of ICU Hospital de la Princesa in Madrid.
  • Prof. Dr. Alberto Carrara, L.C., Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Coordinator of the Neurobioethics Group at Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum in Rome.
  • Prof. Dr. Jokin de Irala, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the Universidad de Navarra.
  • Prof. Dr. Nicolás Jouve, Emeritus Professor of Genetics at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.
  • Prof. Dr. Natalia Ochoa, Professor of International Law and Academic Secretary of the International Doctoral School at the Universidad Camilo José Cela.
  • Prof. Dr. Jesús San Román, Professor of Research Bioethics at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
  • Prof. Dr. José Miguel Serrano Ruiz-Calderón, Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid.

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